Criticism of #allesdichtmachen

Criticism of #allesdichtmachen

After numerous German actors took a stand against the corona-related measures of the German government with the campaign #allesdichtmachen, a flood of criticism came from politicians, other members of the creative industry and the medical profession. Characterized by satire and irony were the videos of Jan Josef Liefers, Miriam Stein, Heike Makatsch and their fellow actors. Negative aspects of life during the pandemic, such as the psychological strain on children, domestic violence and the closure of stores and cultural institutions, were satirically addressed.

Following the release of the videos, there was a great deal of criticism. Jan Böhmermann, among others, initiated the opposing hashtag #allenichtganzdicht. Medical staff also countered with #allemalneschichtmachen. In the latter, doctors and nursing staff call on artists to take over their work. The chairman of the Deutsche Stiftung Patientenschutz Brysch commented on this and said that those who make fun of the Corona protections show no compassion for the deceased and their relatives.

After the criticism, many of the actors retracted their statements, deleted the videos or apologized.

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